German association for the protection of intellectual property

Issue Cover

Latest Issue Volume 73 Issue 9 September 2024


Prof. Dr. Josef Drexl

Prof. Dr. Reto M. Hilty

Special Issue: Innovation to Tackle Climate Change

Explore the articles of GRUR International’s latest special issue, looking into innovation to tackle climate change. The collection focuses on the regulatory requirements and the impact of intellectual property law and competition policy.


Latest articles

Jacques De Werra (ed.): Propriété intellectuelle et développement durable / Intellectual Property & Sustainable Development

Determining SEP License Fees and Infringement Compensation Determining Whether Price Disparity Constitutes an Abuse of Dominance Scope of the Right to Reproduction and Transformation in a License Contract over Character Drawings Unauthorized Name Use: Balancing Commercial and Informational Purposes

Most read

A Deeper Look into the EU Text and Data Mining Exceptions: Harmonisation, Data Ownership, and the Future of Technology

A Scanner Darkly: Copyright Liability and Exceptions in Artificial Intelligence Inputs and Outputs ‘AI-Generated Inventions’: Time to Get the Record Straight? Human Creative Contribution to AI-Based Output – One Just Can(’t) Get Enough

Intellectual Property as Business Loan Collateral: A Taxonomy of Institutional and Economic Determinants

Latest Decisions

Determining Whether Price Disparity Constitutes an Abuse of Dominance Unauthorized Name Use: Balancing Commercial and Informational Purposes Assessing the Distinctive Character of a Sign Referencing a Place of Interest Taking ‘Due Account’ of Equivalents Infringement of European and National Utility Model Patents

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GRUR International publishes 12 issues a year, with one editorial for each issue.

When is a patent price ever “unfairly high”?

Read an OUPblog post from Dr Yuan Hao, discussing patent pricing in contemporary China. Dr Hao's blog is based on their research published in GRUR International.

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GRUR: German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property

Find out more about the largest and oldest association in Germany that is devoted to the protection of intellectual property.


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