Partnership Bank Accounts Sample Clauses

Partnership Bank Accounts. The Partnership funds will be kept in an account in its name at ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ [Financial institution] or at other financial institutions as agreed upon by all Partners. All withdrawals from these accounts will be made by checks signed by (Check one) all Partners any one Partner a majority of Partners other: . ☐

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Partnership Bank Accounts. The General Partner shall receive all moneys of the Partnership and shall deposit the same in one or more banking accounts. All expenditures by the General Partner shall be made by checks drawn against the Partnership accounts. Withdrawals from Partnership accounts shall be made upon such signature or signatures as the General Partner shall authorize.

Partnership Bank Accounts. All Partnership funds will be deposited in its name in such accounts as the General Partner designates. All withdrawals shall be made upon checks signed by a party authorized by the General Partner.

Partnership Bank Accounts. All funds of the Partnership shall be deposited in its name in an account or accounts maintained at a national or state bank selected by the Executive Committee. Checks shall be drawn upon the Partnership and may be signed by such persons as may be designated from time to time by the Executive Committee.

Partnership Bank Accounts. All payments by the Province to the Partnership under this Agreement will be made by direct deposit or wire transfer by the Province to the bank account identified by the Partnership as its bank account designated for the purpose of receiving such funds.‌‌

Partnership Bank Accounts. All funds of the Partnership shall be deposited in its name in an account or accounts maintained at a national or state bank. Checks shall be drawn upon the Partnership and may be signed by such persons as may be designated from time to time by the Managing Partner; provided, however, any single check (other than amounts payable in connection with the settlement of a show) in an amount greater than $10,000 may not be signed or issued on behalf of the Partnership by the Managing Partner unless and until Ardee has provided written approval by facsimile, which approval may not be unreasonably withheld. In furtherance of the foregoing, the Managing Partner shall promulgate a one page "check request approval form" for purposes of describing any check which requires the approval of Ardee which will describe the payee and the purpose of the check and provide a signature line for an authorized representative of Ardee to provide approval.

Partnership Bank Accounts. The General Partner may establish one or more separate bank and investment accounts and arrangements for the Partnership, which shall be maintained in the Partnership’s name with financial institutions and firms that the General Partner determines.

Partnership Bank Accounts. The Partnership will utilize a main bank account established at Xxxxx Fargo Bank with sub accounts. The main bank account will hereinafter referred to as a “transaction settlement account” and will be utilized in order to conduct business transactions with clients whereby funds will be received from clients for product and distributed to manufacturers for payment of product. Additional monies left in the account after a sale transaction is executed and paid for in full by the client will be disbursed on a 50/50 basis into the “Front end operations” and “Back end operations” accounts managed by the Partners. The sub accounts at the time of the partnership formation are defined, designated and referred to as follows:

Partnership Bank Accounts. The General Partner shall receive all moneys of the Partnership and shall deposit the same in one or more banking accounts. All expenditures

Partnership Bank Accounts. 72 9.4. Annual Tax Returns. 72 9.5. Actions in Event of Audit. 73 9.6. Costs. 74 ARTICLE X Miscellaneous. (ii)