Indian national security policy pdf

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/Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] >> > /S /L /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /Lbl /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > > /S /LBody /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] >> > /S /L /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /Lbl /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > > /S /LBody /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] >> > /S /L /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /Lbl /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > > /S /LBody /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] >> ] >> >> ] >> >> > /S /P /Type /StructElem /ID (topControls) >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (mainContent) /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (readPanel) /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (contentRoot) /K [ > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (abstractAndKeywords) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (India) >> 22 > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (national security policy) >> 24 > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (threats) >> 26 > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (military industrial base) >> 28 > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (Sino-Indian war) >> ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-60) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-893) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-894) /K [ > /S /Span /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-895) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-283) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (McMahon 1996) >> 2 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-896) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-262) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Donaldson 1974) >> 5 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-897) /K [ > /S /Div /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_146) /K > >> > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-261) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Dasgupta 2002) >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-898) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-899) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-288) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Nehru 2011) >> 15 ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-61) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-900) /K > >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-14) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-85) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-902) /K [ > > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-903) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-265) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2001) >> 3 > /S /Div /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_147) /K > >> 5 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-266) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2008) >> 7 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-271) /K [ > > ] /Alt (George and Smoke 1974) >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-904) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-256) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013d) >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-905) /K [ > > /S /Link /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-76) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] /Alt (1) >> 15 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-289) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Palit 1992) >> 17 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-270) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Garver 2001) >> 19 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-267) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2010) >> 21 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-906) /K [ > > ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-15) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-86) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-908) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-286) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Menon 1955) >> 4 > /S /Link /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-77) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] /Alt (2) >> 6 > /S /Div /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_148) /K > >> 8 > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-299) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Telford 1992) >> 10 > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-264) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 1997) >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-909) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-268) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly and Fidler 2013) >> 15 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-910) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-282) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Lalwani 2011) >> 18 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-911) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-251) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ahuja 2013) >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-912) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-913) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_149) /K > >> 6 ] >> ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-62) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-914) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-915) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-916) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-273) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (International Institute of Strategic Studies, 2013) >> 11 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-917) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-257) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Behera 2013) >> 14 > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-280) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kumar 2012) >> 16 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-918) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-285) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Menon 2013) >> > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-255) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013c) >> > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-263) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Francis and Menon 2013) >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-919) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_150) /K > >> 9 > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-274) /K [ > > ] /Alt (M. Joshi 2013) >> 11 ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-63) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-920) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-921) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-296) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Snyder 1961) >> 15 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-922) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-277) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kashyap 2007) >> 18 > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-254) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013b) >> 20 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-923) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-278) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Keck 2013) >> 2 > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-253) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013a) >> 4 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-924) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_151) /K > >> 7 > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-295) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Sender 2013) >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-925) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-926) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-287) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Mohan 2013) >> 13 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-927) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-258) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Brewster 2010) >> 16 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-928) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-294) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Scott 2013) >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-929) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_152) /K > >> 5 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-930) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 8 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-931) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-298) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Swami 2006) >> 11 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-932) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-297) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Swami 2004) >> 14 > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-291) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Polgreen and Bajaj 2009) >> 16 > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-281) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ladwig 2007�2008) >> > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-292) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Pubby 2010) >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-933) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-275) /K [ > > ] /Alt (S. Joshi 2013) >> 7 > /S /Div /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_153) /K > >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-934) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-302) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Topychkanov 2012) >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-935) /K > >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-64) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-936) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-937) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-938) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-276) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kampani 2013) >> > > /S /Div /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_154) /K > >> > > /S /Link /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-276) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kampani 2013) >> > ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-65) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-939) /K > >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-16) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-91) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-941) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-942) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-943) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-284) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Mazzetti and Schmitt 2008) >> 13 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-944) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_155) /K > >> 2 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-945) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-946) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-269) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Ganguly and Mistry 2006) >> 6 > /S /Link /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-259) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Burns 2007) >> 8 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-947) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-948) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-949) /K [ > > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-950) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-260) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Clark 2012) >> 3 > /S /Div /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_156) /K > >> 5 > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-300) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Tellis 2011) >> 7 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-951) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-272) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Hardy and Bedi 2013) >> 10 ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-17) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-92) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-953) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-954) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-955) /K [ > > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > > /S /Link /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-290) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Pandit 2013) >> > > /S /Div /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_157) /K > >> > ] >> ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-66) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-956) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-957) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-958) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-959) /K > >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-section-43) /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (\n\nReferences) /K > /S /H2 /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-251) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 16 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-252) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 19 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-253) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 22 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-254) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 25 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-255) /K [ > /S /Div /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_158) /K > >> > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 3 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-256) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 6 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-257) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-258) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-259) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 15 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-260) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 18 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-261) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 21 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-262) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 24 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-263) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 27 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-264) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 30 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-265) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 33 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-266) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 36 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-267) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 39 > /S /Link /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 41 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-268) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 44 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-269) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 47 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-270) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 50 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-271) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 53 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-272) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 2 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-273) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 5 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-274) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 8 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-275) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 11 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-276) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 14 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-277) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 17 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-278) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 20 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 22 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-279) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 25 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-280) /K [ > /S /Div /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_159) /K > >> > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 29 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 31 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-281) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 34 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-282) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 37 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt ( >> 39 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-283) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 42 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-284) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 45 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-285) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 48 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 50 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-286) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 53 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-287) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 2 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-288) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 5 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-289) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 8 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-290) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 11 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-291) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 14 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-292) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 17 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-293) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 20 > /S /Link /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 22 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-294) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 25 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-295) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 28 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-296) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 31 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-297) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 34 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-298) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 37 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-299) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 40 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-300) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 43 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-301) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 46 > /S /Link /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt ( >> 48 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-302) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 3 ] >> ] >> ] >> >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (notes) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-76) /K > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-962) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (1.) >> 7 > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kennedy \(1989\)) >> 9 ] >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-77) /K > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-964) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (2.) >> 12 > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (Thompson \(2013\)) >> 14 ] >> >> ] >> ] >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] >> >> ] >> >> >> > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageBody) /K > >> ] >> >> (contentRoot) > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (contentRoot) /K [ > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (abstractAndKeywords) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (India) >> 22 > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (national security policy) >> 24 > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (threats) >> 26 > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (military industrial base) >> 28 > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (Sino-Indian war) >> ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-60) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-893) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-894) /K [ > /S /Span /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-895) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-283) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (McMahon 1996) >> 2 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-896) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-262) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Donaldson 1974) >> 5 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-897) /K [ > /S /Div /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_146) /K > >> > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-261) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Dasgupta 2002) >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-898) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-899) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-288) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Nehru 2011) >> 15 ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-61) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-900) /K > >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-14) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-85) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-902) /K [ > > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-903) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-265) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2001) >> 3 > /S /Div /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_147) /K > >> 5 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-266) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2008) >> 7 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-271) /K [ > > ] /Alt (George and Smoke 1974) >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-904) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-256) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013d) >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-905) /K [ > > /S /Link /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-76) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] /Alt (1) >> 15 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-289) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Palit 1992) >> 17 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-270) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Garver 2001) >> 19 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-267) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2010) >> 21 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-906) /K [ > > ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-15) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-86) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-908) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-286) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Menon 1955) >> 4 > /S /Link /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-77) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] /Alt (2) >> 6 > /S /Div /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_148) /K > >> 8 > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-299) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Telford 1992) >> 10 > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-264) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 1997) >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-909) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-268) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly and Fidler 2013) >> 15 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-910) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-282) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Lalwani 2011) >> 18 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-911) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-251) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ahuja 2013) >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-912) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-913) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_149) /K > >> 6 ] >> ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-62) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-914) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-915) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-916) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-273) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (International Institute of Strategic Studies, 2013) >> 11 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-917) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-257) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Behera 2013) >> 14 > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-280) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kumar 2012) >> 16 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-918) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-285) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Menon 2013) >> > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-255) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013c) >> > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-263) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Francis and Menon 2013) >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-919) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_150) /K > >> 9 > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-274) /K [ > > ] /Alt (M. Joshi 2013) >> 11 ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-63) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-920) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-921) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-296) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Snyder 1961) >> 15 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-922) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-277) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kashyap 2007) >> 18 > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-254) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013b) >> 20 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-923) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-278) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Keck 2013) >> 2 > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-253) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013a) >> 4 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-924) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_151) /K > >> 7 > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-295) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Sender 2013) >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-925) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-926) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-287) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Mohan 2013) >> 13 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-927) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-258) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Brewster 2010) >> 16 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-928) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-294) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Scott 2013) >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-929) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_152) /K > >> 5 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-930) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 8 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-931) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-298) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Swami 2006) >> 11 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-932) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-297) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Swami 2004) >> 14 > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-291) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Polgreen and Bajaj 2009) >> 16 > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-281) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ladwig 2007�2008) >> > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-292) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Pubby 2010) >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-933) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-275) /K [ > > ] /Alt (S. Joshi 2013) >> 7 > /S /Div /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_153) /K > >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-934) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-302) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Topychkanov 2012) >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-935) /K > >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-64) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-936) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-937) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-938) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-276) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kampani 2013) >> > > /S /Div /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_154) /K > >> > > /S /Link /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-276) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kampani 2013) >> > ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-65) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-939) /K > >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-16) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-91) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-941) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-942) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-943) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-284) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Mazzetti and Schmitt 2008) >> 13 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-944) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_155) /K > >> 2 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-945) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-946) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-269) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Ganguly and Mistry 2006) >> 6 > /S /Link /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-259) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Burns 2007) >> 8 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-947) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-948) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-949) /K [ > > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-950) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-260) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Clark 2012) >> 3 > /S /Div /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_156) /K > >> 5 > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-300) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Tellis 2011) >> 7 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-951) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-272) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Hardy and Bedi 2013) >> 10 ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-17) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-92) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-953) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-954) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-955) /K [ > > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > > /S /Link /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-290) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Pandit 2013) >> > > /S /Div /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_157) /K > >> > ] >> ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-66) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-956) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-957) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-958) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-959) /K > >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-section-43) /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (\n\nReferences) /K > /S /H2 /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-251) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 16 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-252) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 19 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-253) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 22 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-254) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 25 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-255) /K [ > /S /Div /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_158) /K > >> > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 3 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-256) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 6 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-257) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-258) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-259) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 15 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-260) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 18 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-261) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 21 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-262) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 24 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-263) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 27 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-264) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 30 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-265) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 33 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-266) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 36 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-267) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 39 > /S /Link /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 41 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-268) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 44 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-269) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 47 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-270) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 50 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-271) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 53 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-272) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 2 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-273) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 5 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-274) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 8 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-275) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 11 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-276) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 14 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-277) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 17 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-278) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 20 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 22 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-279) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 25 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-280) /K [ > /S /Div /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_159) /K > >> > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 29 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 31 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-281) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 34 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-282) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 37 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt ( >> 39 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-283) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 42 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-284) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 45 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-285) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 48 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 50 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-286) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 53 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-287) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 2 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-288) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 5 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-289) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 8 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-290) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 11 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-291) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 14 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-292) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 17 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-293) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 20 > /S /Link /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 22 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-294) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 25 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-295) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 28 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-296) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 31 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-297) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 34 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-298) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 37 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-299) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 40 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-300) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 43 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-301) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 46 > /S /Link /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt ( >> 48 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-302) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 3 ] >> ] >> ] >> >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (notes) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-76) /K > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-962) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (1.) >> 7 > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kennedy \(1989\)) >> 9 ] >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-77) /K > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-964) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (2.) >> 12 > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (Thompson \(2013\)) >> 14 ] >> >> ] >> ] >> (contentWrapper) > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (contentWrapper) /K [ > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (columnWrapper) /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (pageBody) /K [ > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageBody) /K > >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (bookDetail) /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (bookContent) /K [ > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /Span /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pagetitle) /K > >> > /S /Div /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] >> > /S /H2 /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > /S /P /Type /StructElem /K > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (The Oxford Handbook of Indian Foreign Policy) >> >> > /S /H2 /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /L /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /Lbl /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > > /S /LBody /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] >> > /S /L /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /Lbl /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > > /S /LBody /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] >> > /S /L /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /Lbl /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > > /S /LBody /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] >> > /S /L /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /Lbl /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > > /S /LBody /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] >> ] >> >> ] >> >> > /S /P /Type /StructElem /ID (topControls) >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (mainContent) /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (readPanel) /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (contentRoot) /K [ > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (abstractAndKeywords) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (India) >> 22 > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (national security policy) >> 24 > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (threats) >> 26 > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (military industrial base) >> 28 > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (Sino-Indian war) >> ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-60) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-893) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-894) /K [ > /S /Span /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-895) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-283) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (McMahon 1996) >> 2 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-896) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-262) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Donaldson 1974) >> 5 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-897) /K [ > /S /Div /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_146) /K > >> > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-261) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Dasgupta 2002) >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-898) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-899) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-288) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Nehru 2011) >> 15 ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-61) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-900) /K > >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-14) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-85) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-902) /K [ > > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-903) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-265) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2001) >> 3 > /S /Div /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_147) /K > >> 5 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-266) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2008) >> 7 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-271) /K [ > > ] /Alt (George and Smoke 1974) >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-904) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-256) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013d) >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-905) /K [ > > /S /Link /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-76) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] /Alt (1) >> 15 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-289) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Palit 1992) >> 17 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-270) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Garver 2001) >> 19 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-267) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2010) >> 21 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-906) /K [ > > ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-15) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-86) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-908) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-286) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Menon 1955) >> 4 > /S /Link /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-77) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] /Alt (2) >> 6 > /S /Div /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_148) /K > >> 8 > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-299) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Telford 1992) >> 10 > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-264) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 1997) >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-909) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-268) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly and Fidler 2013) >> 15 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-910) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-282) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Lalwani 2011) >> 18 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-911) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-251) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ahuja 2013) >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-912) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-913) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_149) /K > >> 6 ] >> ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-62) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-914) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-915) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-916) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-273) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (International Institute of Strategic Studies, 2013) >> 11 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-917) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-257) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Behera 2013) >> 14 > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-280) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kumar 2012) >> 16 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-918) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-285) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Menon 2013) >> > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-255) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013c) >> > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-263) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Francis and Menon 2013) >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-919) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_150) /K > >> 9 > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-274) /K [ > > ] /Alt (M. Joshi 2013) >> 11 ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-63) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-920) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-921) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-296) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Snyder 1961) >> 15 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-922) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-277) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kashyap 2007) >> 18 > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-254) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013b) >> 20 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-923) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-278) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Keck 2013) >> 2 > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-253) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013a) >> 4 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-924) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_151) /K > >> 7 > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-295) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Sender 2013) >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-925) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-926) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-287) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Mohan 2013) >> 13 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-927) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-258) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Brewster 2010) >> 16 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-928) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-294) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Scott 2013) >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-929) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_152) /K > >> 5 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-930) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 8 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-931) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-298) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Swami 2006) >> 11 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-932) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-297) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Swami 2004) >> 14 > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-291) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Polgreen and Bajaj 2009) >> 16 > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-281) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ladwig 2007�2008) >> > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-292) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Pubby 2010) >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-933) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-275) /K [ > > ] /Alt (S. Joshi 2013) >> 7 > /S /Div /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_153) /K > >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-934) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-302) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Topychkanov 2012) >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-935) /K > >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-64) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-936) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-937) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-938) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-276) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kampani 2013) >> > > /S /Div /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_154) /K > >> > > /S /Link /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-276) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kampani 2013) >> > ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-65) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-939) /K > >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-16) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-91) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-941) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-942) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-943) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-284) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Mazzetti and Schmitt 2008) >> 13 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-944) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_155) /K > >> 2 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-945) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-946) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-269) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Ganguly and Mistry 2006) >> 6 > /S /Link /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-259) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Burns 2007) >> 8 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-947) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-948) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-949) /K [ > > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-950) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-260) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Clark 2012) >> 3 > /S /Div /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_156) /K > >> 5 > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-300) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Tellis 2011) >> 7 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-951) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-272) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Hardy and Bedi 2013) >> 10 ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-17) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-92) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-953) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-954) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-955) /K [ > > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > > /S /Link /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-290) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Pandit 2013) >> > > /S /Div /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_157) /K > >> > ] >> ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-66) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-956) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-957) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-958) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-959) /K > >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-section-43) /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (\n\nReferences) /K > /S /H2 /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-251) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 16 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-252) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 19 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-253) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 22 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-254) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 25 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-255) /K [ > /S /Div /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_158) /K > >> > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 3 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-256) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 6 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-257) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-258) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-259) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 15 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-260) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 18 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-261) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 21 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-262) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 24 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-263) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 27 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-264) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 30 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-265) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 33 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-266) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 36 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-267) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 39 > /S /Link /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 41 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-268) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 44 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-269) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 47 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-270) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 50 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-271) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 53 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-272) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 2 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-273) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 5 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-274) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 8 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-275) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 11 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-276) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 14 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-277) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 17 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-278) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 20 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 22 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-279) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 25 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-280) /K [ > /S /Div /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_159) /K > >> > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 29 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 31 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-281) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 34 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-282) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 37 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt ( >> 39 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-283) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 42 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-284) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 45 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-285) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 48 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 50 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-286) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 53 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-287) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 2 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-288) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 5 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-289) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 8 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-290) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 11 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-291) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 14 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-292) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 17 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-293) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 20 > /S /Link /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 22 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-294) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 25 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-295) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 28 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-296) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 31 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-297) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 34 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-298) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 37 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-299) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 40 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-300) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 43 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-301) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 46 > /S /Link /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt ( >> 48 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-302) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 3 ] >> ] >> ] >> >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (notes) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-76) /K > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-962) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (1.) >> 7 > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kennedy \(1989\)) >> 9 ] >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-77) /K > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-964) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (2.) >> 12 > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (Thompson \(2013\)) >> 14 ] >> >> ] >> ] >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] >> >> ] >> >> >> > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageBody) /K > >> ] >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (footerWrap) /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (footer) /K [ > > ] /S /L /Type /StructElem /K > /S /LI /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /Lbl /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > /S /LBody /Type /StructElem >> ] >> >> > /S /P /Type /StructElem /ID (footerDetail) >> > /S /P /Type /StructElem /ID (footerAccounts) >> ] >> >> ] >> (footer) > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (footer) /K [ > > ] /S /L /Type /StructElem /K > /S /LI /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /Lbl /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > /S /LBody /Type /StructElem >> ] >> >> > /S /P /Type /StructElem /ID (footerDetail) >> > /S /P /Type /StructElem /ID (footerAccounts) >> ] >> (footerAccounts) > /S /P /Type /StructElem /ID (footerAccounts) >> (footerDetail) > /S /P /Type /StructElem /ID (footerDetail) >> (footerWrap) > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (footerWrap) /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (footer) /K [ > > ] /S /L /Type /StructElem /K > /S /LI /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /Lbl /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > /S /LBody /Type /StructElem >> ] >> >> > /S /P /Type /StructElem /ID (footerDetail) >> > /S /P /Type /StructElem /ID (footerAccounts) >> ] >> >> (jumpToContent) > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (jumpToContent) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Jump to Content) >> (mainContent) > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (mainContent) /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (readPanel) /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (contentRoot) /K [ > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (abstractAndKeywords) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (India) >> 22 > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (national security policy) >> 24 > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (threats) >> 26 > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (military industrial base) >> 28 > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (Sino-Indian war) >> ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-60) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-893) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-894) /K [ > /S /Span /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-895) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-283) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (McMahon 1996) >> 2 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-896) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-262) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Donaldson 1974) >> 5 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-897) /K [ > /S /Div /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_146) /K > >> > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-261) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Dasgupta 2002) >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-898) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-899) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-288) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Nehru 2011) >> 15 ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-61) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-900) /K > >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-14) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-85) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-902) /K [ > > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-903) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-265) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2001) >> 3 > /S /Div /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_147) /K > >> 5 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-266) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2008) >> 7 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-271) /K [ > > ] /Alt (George and Smoke 1974) >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-904) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-256) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013d) >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-905) /K [ > > /S /Link /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-76) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] /Alt (1) >> 15 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-289) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Palit 1992) >> 17 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-270) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Garver 2001) >> 19 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-267) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2010) >> 21 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-906) /K [ > > ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-15) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-86) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-908) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-286) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Menon 1955) >> 4 > /S /Link /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-77) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] /Alt (2) >> 6 > /S /Div /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_148) /K > >> 8 > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-299) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Telford 1992) >> 10 > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-264) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 1997) >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-909) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-268) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly and Fidler 2013) >> 15 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-910) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-282) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Lalwani 2011) >> 18 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-911) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-251) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ahuja 2013) >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-912) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-913) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_149) /K > >> 6 ] >> ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-62) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-914) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-915) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-916) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-273) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (International Institute of Strategic Studies, 2013) >> 11 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-917) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-257) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Behera 2013) >> 14 > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-280) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kumar 2012) >> 16 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-918) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-285) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Menon 2013) >> > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-255) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013c) >> > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-263) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Francis and Menon 2013) >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-919) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_150) /K > >> 9 > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-274) /K [ > > ] /Alt (M. Joshi 2013) >> 11 ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-63) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-920) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-921) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-296) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Snyder 1961) >> 15 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-922) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-277) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kashyap 2007) >> 18 > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-254) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013b) >> 20 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-923) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-278) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Keck 2013) >> 2 > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-253) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013a) >> 4 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-924) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_151) /K > >> 7 > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-295) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Sender 2013) >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-925) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-926) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-287) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Mohan 2013) >> 13 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-927) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-258) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Brewster 2010) >> 16 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-928) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-294) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Scott 2013) >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-929) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_152) /K > >> 5 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-930) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 8 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-931) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-298) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Swami 2006) >> 11 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-932) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-297) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Swami 2004) >> 14 > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-291) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Polgreen and Bajaj 2009) >> 16 > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-281) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ladwig 2007�2008) >> > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-292) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Pubby 2010) >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-933) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-275) /K [ > > ] /Alt (S. Joshi 2013) >> 7 > /S /Div /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_153) /K > >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-934) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-302) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Topychkanov 2012) >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-935) /K > >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-64) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-936) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-937) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-938) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-276) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kampani 2013) >> > > /S /Div /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_154) /K > >> > > /S /Link /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-276) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kampani 2013) >> > ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-65) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-939) /K > >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-16) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-91) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-941) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-942) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-943) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-284) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Mazzetti and Schmitt 2008) >> 13 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-944) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_155) /K > >> 2 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-945) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-946) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-269) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Ganguly and Mistry 2006) >> 6 > /S /Link /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-259) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Burns 2007) >> 8 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-947) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-948) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-949) /K [ > > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-950) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-260) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Clark 2012) >> 3 > /S /Div /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_156) /K > >> 5 > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-300) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Tellis 2011) >> 7 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-951) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-272) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Hardy and Bedi 2013) >> 10 ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-17) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-92) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-953) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-954) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-955) /K [ > > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > > /S /Link /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-290) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Pandit 2013) >> > > /S /Div /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_157) /K > >> > ] >> ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-66) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-956) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-957) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-958) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-959) /K > >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-section-43) /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (\n\nReferences) /K > /S /H2 /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-251) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 16 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-252) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 19 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-253) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 22 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-254) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 25 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-255) /K [ > /S /Div /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_158) /K > >> > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 3 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-256) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 6 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-257) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-258) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-259) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 15 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-260) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 18 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-261) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 21 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-262) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 24 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-263) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 27 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-264) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 30 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-265) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 33 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-266) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 36 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-267) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 39 > /S /Link /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 41 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-268) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 44 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-269) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 47 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-270) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 50 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-271) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 53 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-272) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 2 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-273) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 5 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-274) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 8 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-275) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 11 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-276) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 14 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-277) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 17 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-278) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 20 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 22 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-279) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 25 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-280) /K [ > /S /Div /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_159) /K > >> > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 29 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 31 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-281) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 34 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-282) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 37 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt ( >> 39 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-283) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 42 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-284) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 45 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-285) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 48 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 50 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-286) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 53 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-287) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 2 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-288) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 5 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-289) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 8 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-290) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 11 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-291) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 14 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-292) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 17 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-293) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 20 > /S /Link /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 22 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-294) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 25 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-295) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 28 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-296) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 31 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-297) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 34 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-298) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 37 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-299) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 40 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-300) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 43 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-301) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 46 > /S /Link /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt ( >> 48 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-302) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 3 ] >> ] >> ] >> >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (notes) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-76) /K > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-962) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (1.) >> 7 > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kennedy \(1989\)) >> 9 ] >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-77) /K > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-964) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (2.) >> 12 > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (Thompson \(2013\)) >> 14 ] >> >> ] >> ] >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] >> >> ] >> >> >> (notes) > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (notes) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-76) /K > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-962) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (1.) >> 7 > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kennedy \(1989\)) >> 9 ] >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-77) /K > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-964) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (2.) >> 12 > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (Thompson \(2013\)) >> 14 ] >> >> ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-251) > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-251) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 16 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-252) > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-252) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 19 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-253) > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-253) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 22 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-254) > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-254) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 25 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-255) > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-255) /K [ > /S /Div /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_158) /K > >> > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 3 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-256) > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-256) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 6 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-257) > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-257) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 9 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-258) > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-258) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 12 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-259) > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-259) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 15 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-260) > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-260) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 18 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-261) > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-261) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 21 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-262) > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-262) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 24 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-263) > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-263) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 27 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-264) > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-264) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 30 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-265) > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-265) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 33 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-266) > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-266) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 36 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-267) > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-267) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 39 > /S /Link /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 41 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-268) > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-268) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 44 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-269) > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-269) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 47 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-270) > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-270) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 50 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-271) > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-271) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 53 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-272) > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-272) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 2 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-273) > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-273) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 5 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-274) > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-274) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 8 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-275) > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-275) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 11 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-276) > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-276) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 14 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-277) > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-277) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 17 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-278) > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-278) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 20 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 22 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-279) > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-279) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 25 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-280) > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-280) /K [ > /S /Div /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_159) /K > >> > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 29 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 31 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-281) > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-281) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 34 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-282) > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-282) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 37 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt ( >> 39 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-283) > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-283) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 42 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-284) > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-284) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 45 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-285) > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-285) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 48 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 50 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-286) > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-286) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 53 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-287) > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-287) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 2 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-288) > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-288) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 5 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-289) > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-289) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 8 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-290) > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-290) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 11 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-291) > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-291) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 14 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-292) > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-292) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 17 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-293) > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-293) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 20 > /S /Link /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 22 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-294) > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-294) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 25 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-295) > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-295) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 28 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-296) > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-296) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 31 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-297) > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-297) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 34 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-298) > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-298) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 37 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-299) > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-299) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 40 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-300) > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-300) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 43 ] >> ] /Limits [ (\n\nReferences) (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-300) ] >> endobj 858 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-301) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 46 > /S /Link /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt ( >> 48 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-302) > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-302) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 3 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-60) > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-60) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-893) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-894) /K [ > /S /Span /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-895) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-283) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (McMahon 1996) >> 2 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-896) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-262) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Donaldson 1974) >> 5 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-897) /K [ > /S /Div /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_146) /K > >> > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-261) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Dasgupta 2002) >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-898) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-899) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-288) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Nehru 2011) >> 15 ] >> ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-61) > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-61) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-900) /K > >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-14) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-85) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-902) /K [ > > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-903) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-265) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2001) >> 3 > /S /Div /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_147) /K > >> 5 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-266) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2008) >> 7 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-271) /K [ > > ] /Alt (George and Smoke 1974) >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-904) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-256) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013d) >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-905) /K [ > > /S /Link /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-76) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] /Alt (1) >> 15 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-289) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Palit 1992) >> 17 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-270) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Garver 2001) >> 19 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-267) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2010) >> 21 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-906) /K [ > > ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-15) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-86) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-908) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-286) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Menon 1955) >> 4 > /S /Link /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-77) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] /Alt (2) >> 6 > /S /Div /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_148) /K > >> 8 > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-299) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Telford 1992) >> 10 > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-264) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 1997) >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-909) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-268) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly and Fidler 2013) >> 15 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-910) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-282) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Lalwani 2011) >> 18 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-911) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-251) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ahuja 2013) >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-912) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-913) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_149) /K > >> 6 ] >> ] >> ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-62) > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-62) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-914) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-915) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-916) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-273) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (International Institute of Strategic Studies, 2013) >> 11 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-917) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-257) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Behera 2013) >> 14 > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-280) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kumar 2012) >> 16 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-918) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-285) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Menon 2013) >> > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-255) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013c) >> > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-263) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Francis and Menon 2013) >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-919) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_150) /K > >> 9 > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-274) /K [ > > ] /Alt (M. Joshi 2013) >> 11 ] >> ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-63) > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-63) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-920) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-921) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-296) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Snyder 1961) >> 15 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-922) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-277) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kashyap 2007) >> 18 > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-254) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013b) >> 20 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-923) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-278) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Keck 2013) >> 2 > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-253) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013a) >> 4 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-924) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_151) /K > >> 7 > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-295) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Sender 2013) >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-925) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-926) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-287) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Mohan 2013) >> 13 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-927) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-258) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Brewster 2010) >> 16 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-928) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-294) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Scott 2013) >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-929) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_152) /K > >> 5 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-930) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 8 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-931) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-298) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Swami 2006) >> 11 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-932) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-297) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Swami 2004) >> 14 > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-291) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Polgreen and Bajaj 2009) >> 16 > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-281) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ladwig 2007�2008) >> > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-292) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Pubby 2010) >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-933) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-275) /K [ > > ] /Alt (S. Joshi 2013) >> 7 > /S /Div /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_153) /K > >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-934) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-302) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Topychkanov 2012) >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-935) /K > >> ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-64) > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-64) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-936) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-937) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-938) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-276) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kampani 2013) >> > > /S /Div /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_154) /K > >> > > /S /Link /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-276) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kampani 2013) >> > ] >> ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-65) > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-65) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-939) /K > >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-16) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-91) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-941) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-942) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-943) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-284) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Mazzetti and Schmitt 2008) >> 13 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-944) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_155) /K > >> 2 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-945) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-946) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-269) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Ganguly and Mistry 2006) >> 6 > /S /Link /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-259) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Burns 2007) >> 8 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-947) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-948) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-949) /K [ > > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-950) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-260) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Clark 2012) >> 3 > /S /Div /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_156) /K > >> 5 > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-300) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Tellis 2011) >> 7 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-951) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-272) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Hardy and Bedi 2013) >> 10 ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-17) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-92) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-953) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-954) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-955) /K [ > > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > > /S /Link /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-290) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Pandit 2013) >> > > /S /Div /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_157) /K > >> > ] >> ] >> ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-66) > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-66) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-956) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-957) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-958) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-959) /K > >> ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-14) > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-14) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-85) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-902) /K [ > > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-903) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-265) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2001) >> 3 > /S /Div /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_147) /K > >> 5 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-266) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2008) >> 7 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-271) /K [ > > ] /Alt (George and Smoke 1974) >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-904) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-256) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013d) >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-905) /K [ > > /S /Link /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-76) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] /Alt (1) >> 15 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-289) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Palit 1992) >> 17 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-270) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Garver 2001) >> 19 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-267) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2010) >> 21 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-906) /K [ > > ] >> ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-15) > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-15) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-86) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-908) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-286) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Menon 1955) >> 4 > /S /Link /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-77) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] /Alt (2) >> 6 > /S /Div /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_148) /K > >> 8 > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-299) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Telford 1992) >> 10 > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-264) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 1997) >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-909) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-268) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly and Fidler 2013) >> 15 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-910) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-282) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Lalwani 2011) >> 18 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-911) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-251) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ahuja 2013) >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-912) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-913) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_149) /K > >> 6 ] >> ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-16) > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-16) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-91) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-941) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-942) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-943) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-284) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Mazzetti and Schmitt 2008) >> 13 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-944) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_155) /K > >> 2 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-945) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-946) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-269) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Ganguly and Mistry 2006) >> 6 > /S /Link /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-259) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Burns 2007) >> 8 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-947) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-948) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-949) /K [ > > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-950) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-260) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Clark 2012) >> 3 > /S /Div /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_156) /K > >> 5 > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-300) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Tellis 2011) >> 7 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-951) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-272) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Hardy and Bedi 2013) >> 10 ] >> ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-17) > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-17) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-92) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-953) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-954) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-955) /K [ > > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > > /S /Link /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-290) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Pandit 2013) >> > > /S /Div /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_157) /K > >> > ] >> ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-76) > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-76) /K > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-962) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (1.) >> 7 > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kennedy \(1989\)) >> 9 ] >> >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-77) > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-77) /K > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-964) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (2.) >> 12 > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (Thompson \(2013\)) >> 14 ] >> >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-893) > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-893) /K > >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-894) > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-894) /K [ > /S /Span /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-895) > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-895) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-283) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (McMahon 1996) >> 2 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-896) > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-896) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-262) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Donaldson 1974) >> 5 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-897) > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-897) /K [ > /S /Div /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_146) /K > >> > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-261) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Dasgupta 2002) >> 9 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-898) > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-898) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 12 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-899) > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-899) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-288) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Nehru 2011) >> 15 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-900) > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-900) /K > >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-902) > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-902) /K [ > > ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-903) > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-903) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-265) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2001) >> 3 > /S /Div /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_147) /K > >> 5 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-266) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2008) >> 7 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-271) /K [ > > ] /Alt (George and Smoke 1974) >> 9 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-904) > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-904) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-256) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013d) >> 12 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-905) > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-905) /K [ > > /S /Link /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-76) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] /Alt (1) >> 15 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-289) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Palit 1992) >> 17 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-270) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Garver 2001) >> 19 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-267) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2010) >> 21 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-906) > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-906) /K [ > > ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-908) > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-908) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-286) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Menon 1955) >> 4 > /S /Link /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-77) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] /Alt (2) >> 6 > /S /Div /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_148) /K > >> 8 > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-299) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Telford 1992) >> 10 > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-264) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 1997) >> 12 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-909) > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-909) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-268) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly and Fidler 2013) >> 15 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-910) > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-910) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-282) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Lalwani 2011) >> 18 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-911) > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-911) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-251) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ahuja 2013) >> > ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-912) > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-912) /K > >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-913) > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-913) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_149) /K > >> 6 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-914) > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-914) /K > >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-915) > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-915) /K > >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-916) > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-916) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-273) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (International Institute of Strategic Studies, 2013) >> 11 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-917) > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-917) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-257) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Behera 2013) >> 14 > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-280) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kumar 2012) >> 16 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-918) > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-918) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-285) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Menon 2013) >> > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-255) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013c) >> > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-263) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Francis and Menon 2013) >> > ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-919) > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-919) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_150) /K > >> 9 > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-274) /K [ > > ] /Alt (M. Joshi 2013) >> 11 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-920) > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-920) /K > >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-921) > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-921) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-296) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Snyder 1961) >> 15 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-922) > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-922) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-277) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kashyap 2007) >> 18 > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-254) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013b) >> 20 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-923) > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-923) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-278) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Keck 2013) >> 2 > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-253) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013a) >> 4 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-924) > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-924) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_151) /K > >> 7 > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-295) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Sender 2013) >> 9 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-925) > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-925) /K > >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-926) > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-926) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-287) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Mohan 2013) >> 13 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-927) > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-927) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-258) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Brewster 2010) >> 16 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-928) > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-928) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-294) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Scott 2013) >> > ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-929) > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-929) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_152) /K > >> 5 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-930) > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-930) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 8 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-931) > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-931) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-298) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Swami 2006) >> 11 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-932) > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-932) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-297) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Swami 2004) >> 14 > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-291) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Polgreen and Bajaj 2009) >> 16 > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-281) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ladwig 2007�2008) >> > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-292) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Pubby 2010) >> > ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-933) > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-933) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-275) /K [ > > ] /Alt (S. Joshi 2013) >> 7 > /S /Div /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_153) /K > >> 9 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-934) > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-934) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-302) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Topychkanov 2012) >> 12 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-935) > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-935) /K > >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-936) > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-936) /K > >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-937) > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-937) /K > >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-938) > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-938) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-276) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kampani 2013) >> > > /S /Div /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_154) /K > >> > > /S /Link /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-276) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kampani 2013) >> > ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-939) > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-939) /K > >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-941) > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-941) /K > >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-942) > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-942) /K > >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-943) > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-943) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-284) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Mazzetti and Schmitt 2008) >> 13 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-944) > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-944) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_155) /K > >> 2 ] >> ] /Limits [ (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-301) (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-944) ] >> endobj 859 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-945) /K > >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-946) > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-946) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-269) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Ganguly and Mistry 2006) >> 6 > /S /Link /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-259) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Burns 2007) >> 8 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-947) > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-947) /K > >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-948) > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-948) /K > >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-949) > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-949) /K [ > > ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-950) > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-950) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-260) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Clark 2012) >> 3 > /S /Div /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_156) /K > >> 5 > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-300) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Tellis 2011) >> 7 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-951) > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-951) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-272) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Hardy and Bedi 2013) >> 10 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-953) > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-953) /K > >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-954) > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-954) /K > >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-955) > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-955) /K [ > > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > > /S /Link /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-290) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Pandit 2013) >> > > /S /Div /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_157) /K > >> > ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-956) > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-956) /K > >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-957) > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-957) /K > >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-958) > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-958) /K > >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-959) > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-959) /K > >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-962) > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-962) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (1.) >> 7 > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kennedy \(1989\)) >> 9 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-964) > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-964) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (2.) >> 12 > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (Thompson \(2013\)) >> 14 ] >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-section-43) > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-section-43) /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (\n\nReferences) /K > /S /H2 /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-251) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 16 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-252) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 19 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-253) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 22 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-254) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 25 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-255) /K [ > /S /Div /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_158) /K > >> > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 3 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-256) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 6 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-257) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-258) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-259) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 15 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-260) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 18 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-261) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 21 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-262) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 24 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-263) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 27 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-264) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 30 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-265) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 33 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-266) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 36 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-267) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 39 > /S /Link /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 41 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-268) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 44 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-269) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 47 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-270) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 50 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-271) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 53 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-272) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 2 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-273) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 5 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-274) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 8 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-275) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 11 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-276) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 14 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-277) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 17 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-278) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 20 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 22 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-279) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 25 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-280) /K [ > /S /Div /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_159) /K > >> > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 29 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 31 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-281) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 34 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-282) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 37 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt ( >> 39 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-283) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 42 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-284) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 45 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-285) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 48 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 50 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-286) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 53 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-287) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 2 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-288) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 5 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-289) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 8 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-290) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 11 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-291) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 14 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-292) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 17 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-293) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 20 > /S /Link /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 22 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-294) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 25 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-295) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 28 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-296) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 31 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-297) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 34 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-298) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 37 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-299) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 40 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-300) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 43 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-301) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 46 > /S /Link /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt ( >> 48 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-302) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 3 ] >> ] >> ] >> >> >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-85) > /S /H2 /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-85) /K > >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-86) > /S /H2 /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-86) /K > >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-91) > /S /H2 /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-91) /K > >> (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-92) > /S /H2 /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-92) /K > >> (pageBody) > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageBody) /K > >> (pageid_146) > /S /Div /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_146) /K > >> (pageid_147) > /S /Div /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_147) /K > >> (pageid_148) > /S /Div /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_148) /K > >> (pageid_149) > /S /Div /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_149) /K > >> (pageid_150) > /S /Div /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_150) /K > >> (pageid_151) > /S /Div /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_151) /K > >> (pageid_152) > /S /Div /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_152) /K > >> (pageid_153) > /S /Div /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_153) /K > >> (pageid_154) > /S /Div /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_154) /K > >> (pageid_155) > /S /Div /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_155) /K > >> (pageid_156) > /S /Div /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_156) /K > >> (pageid_157) > /S /Div /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_157) /K > >> (pageid_158) > /S /Div /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_158) /K > >> (pageid_159) > /S /Div /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_159) /K > >> (pagetitle) > /S /Span /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pagetitle) /K > >> (readPanel) > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (readPanel) /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (contentRoot) /K [ > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (abstractAndKeywords) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (India) >> 22 > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (national security policy) >> 24 > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (threats) >> 26 > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (military industrial base) >> 28 > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (Sino-Indian war) >> ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-60) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-893) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-894) /K [ > /S /Span /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-895) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-283) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (McMahon 1996) >> 2 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-896) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-262) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Donaldson 1974) >> 5 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-897) /K [ > /S /Div /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_146) /K > >> > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-261) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Dasgupta 2002) >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-898) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-899) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-288) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Nehru 2011) >> 15 ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-61) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-900) /K > >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-14) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-85) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-902) /K [ > > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-903) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-265) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2001) >> 3 > /S /Div /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_147) /K > >> 5 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-266) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2008) >> 7 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-271) /K [ > > ] /Alt (George and Smoke 1974) >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-904) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-256) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013d) >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-905) /K [ > > /S /Link /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-76) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] /Alt (1) >> 15 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-289) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Palit 1992) >> 17 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-270) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Garver 2001) >> 19 > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-267) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2010) >> 21 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-906) /K [ > > ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-15) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-86) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-908) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-286) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Menon 1955) >> 4 > /S /Link /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-77) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] /Alt (2) >> 6 > /S /Div /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_148) /K > >> 8 > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-299) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Telford 1992) >> 10 > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-264) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 1997) >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-909) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-268) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly and Fidler 2013) >> 15 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-910) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-282) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Lalwani 2011) >> 18 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-911) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-251) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ahuja 2013) >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-912) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-913) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_149) /K > >> 6 ] >> ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-62) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-914) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-915) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-916) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-273) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (International Institute of Strategic Studies, 2013) >> 11 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-917) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-257) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Behera 2013) >> 14 > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-280) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kumar 2012) >> 16 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-918) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-285) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Menon 2013) >> > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-255) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013c) >> > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-263) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Francis and Menon 2013) >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-919) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_150) /K > >> 9 > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-274) /K [ > > ] /Alt (M. Joshi 2013) >> 11 ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-63) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-920) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-921) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-296) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Snyder 1961) >> 15 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-922) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-277) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kashyap 2007) >> 18 > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-254) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013b) >> 20 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-923) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-278) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Keck 2013) >> 2 > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-253) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013a) >> 4 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-924) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_151) /K > >> 7 > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-295) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Sender 2013) >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-925) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-926) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-287) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Mohan 2013) >> 13 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-927) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-258) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Brewster 2010) >> 16 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-928) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-294) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Scott 2013) >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-929) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_152) /K > >> 5 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-930) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 8 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-931) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-298) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Swami 2006) >> 11 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-932) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-297) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Swami 2004) >> 14 > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-291) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Polgreen and Bajaj 2009) >> 16 > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-281) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ladwig 2007�2008) >> > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-292) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Pubby 2010) >> > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-933) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-275) /K [ > > ] /Alt (S. Joshi 2013) >> 7 > /S /Div /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_153) /K > >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-934) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-302) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Topychkanov 2012) >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-935) /K > >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-64) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-936) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-937) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-938) /K [ > > > /S /Link /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-276) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kampani 2013) >> > > /S /Div /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_154) /K > >> > > /S /Link /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-276) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kampani 2013) >> > ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-65) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-939) /K > >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-16) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-91) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-941) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-942) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-943) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-284) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Mazzetti and Schmitt 2008) >> 13 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-944) /K [ > > /S /Div /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_155) /K > >> 2 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-945) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-946) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-269) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Ganguly and Mistry 2006) >> 6 > /S /Link /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-259) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Burns 2007) >> 8 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-947) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-948) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-949) /K [ > > ] >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-950) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-260) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Clark 2012) >> 3 > /S /Div /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_156) /K > >> 5 > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-300) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Tellis 2011) >> 7 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-951) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-272) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Hardy and Bedi 2013) >> 10 ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-17) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-92) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-953) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-954) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-955) /K [ > > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > > /S /Link /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-290) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Pandit 2013) >> > > /S /Div /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_157) /K > >> > ] >> ] >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-66) /K [ > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-956) /K > >> >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-957) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-958) /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-959) /K > >> ] >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-section-43) /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (\n\nReferences) /K > /S /H2 /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-251) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 16 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-252) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 19 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-253) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 22 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-254) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 25 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-255) /K [ > /S /Div /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_158) /K > >> > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 3 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-256) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 6 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-257) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 9 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-258) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 12 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-259) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 15 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-260) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 18 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-261) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 21 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-262) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 24 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-263) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 27 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-264) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 30 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-265) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 33 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-266) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 36 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-267) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 39 > /S /Link /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 41 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-268) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 44 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-269) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 47 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-270) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 50 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-271) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 53 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-272) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 2 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-273) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 5 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-274) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 8 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-275) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 11 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-276) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 14 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-277) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 17 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-278) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 20 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 22 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-279) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 25 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-280) /K [ > /S /Div /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_159) /K > >> > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 29 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 31 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-281) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 34 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-282) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 37 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt ( >> 39 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-283) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 42 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-284) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 45 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-285) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 48 > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 50 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-286) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 53 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-287) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 2 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-288) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 5 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-289) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 8 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-290) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 11 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-291) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 14 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-292) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 17 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-293) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 20 > /S /Link /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> 22 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-294) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 25 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-295) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 28 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-296) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 31 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-297) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 34 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-298) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 37 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-299) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 40 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-300) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 43 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-301) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 46 > /S /Link /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt ( >> 48 ] >> > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-302) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> 3 ] >> ] >> ] >> >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (notes) /K [ > /S /H2 /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-76) /K > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-962) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (1.) >> 7 > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kennedy \(1989\)) >> 9 ] >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-77) /K > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-964) /K [ > > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (2.) >> 12 > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (Thompson \(2013\)) >> 14 ] >> >> ] >> ] >> >> > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K [ > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] >> >> ] >> >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-251) > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-251) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ahuja 2013) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-253) > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-253) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013a) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-254) > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-254) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013b) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-255) > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-255) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013c) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-256) > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-256) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013d) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-257) > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-257) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Behera 2013) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-258) > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-258) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Brewster 2010) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-259) > /S /Link /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-259) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Burns 2007) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-260) > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-260) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Clark 2012) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-261) > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-261) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Dasgupta 2002) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-262) > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-262) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Donaldson 1974) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-263) > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-263) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Francis and Menon 2013) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-264) > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-264) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 1997) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-265) > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-265) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2001) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-266) > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-266) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2008) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-267) > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-267) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2010) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-268) > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-268) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly and Fidler 2013) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-269) > /S /Link /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-269) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Ganguly and Mistry 2006) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-270) > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-270) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Garver 2001) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-271) > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-271) /K [ > > ] /Alt (George and Smoke 1974) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-272) > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-272) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Hardy and Bedi 2013) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-273) > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-273) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (International Institute of Strategic Studies, 2013) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-274) > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-274) /K [ > > ] /Alt (M. Joshi 2013) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-275) > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-275) /K [ > > ] /Alt (S. Joshi 2013) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-276) > /S /Link /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-276) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kampani 2013) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-277) > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-277) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kashyap 2007) >> ] /Limits [ (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-945) (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-277) ] >> endobj 860 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-278) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Keck 2013) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-280) > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-280) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kumar 2012) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-281) > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-281) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ladwig 2007�2008) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-282) > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-282) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Lalwani 2011) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-283) > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-283) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (McMahon 1996) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-284) > /S /Link /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-284) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Mazzetti and Schmitt 2008) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-285) > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-285) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Menon 2013) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-286) > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-286) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Menon 1955) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-287) > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-287) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Mohan 2013) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-288) > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-288) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Nehru 2011) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-289) > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-289) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Palit 1992) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-290) > /S /Link /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-290) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Pandit 2013) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-291) > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-291) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Polgreen and Bajaj 2009) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-292) > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-292) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Pubby 2010) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-294) > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-294) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Scott 2013) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-295) > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-295) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Sender 2013) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-296) > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-296) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Snyder 1961) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-297) > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-297) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Swami 2004) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-298) > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-298) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Swami 2006) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-299) > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-299) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Telford 1992) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-300) > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-300) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Tellis 2011) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-302) > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-302) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Topychkanov 2012) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-76) > /S /Link /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-76) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] /Alt (1) >> (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-77) > /S /Link /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-77) /K [ > > /S /Span /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> ] /Alt (2) >> (topControls) > /S /P /Type /StructElem /ID (topControls) >> ] /Limits [ (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-278) (topControls) ] >> endobj 861 0 obj > endobj 10 0 obj > /Alt (Privacy Policy) >> endobj 12 0 obj > /Alt (Legal Notice) >> endobj 81 0 obj > /Alt (Privacy Policy) >> endobj 83 0 obj > /Alt (Legal Notice) >> endobj 114 0 obj > /Alt (Privacy Policy) >> endobj 116 0 obj > /Alt (Legal Notice) >> endobj 150 0 obj > /Alt (Privacy Policy) >> endobj 152 0 obj > /Alt (Legal Notice) >> endobj 182 0 obj > /Alt (Privacy Policy) >> endobj 184 0 obj > /Alt (Legal Notice) >> endobj 212 0 obj > /Alt (Privacy Policy) >> endobj 214 0 obj > /Alt (Legal Notice) >> endobj 246 0 obj > /Alt (Privacy Policy) >> endobj 248 0 obj > /Alt (Legal Notice) >> endobj 274 0 obj > /Alt (Privacy Policy) >> endobj 276 0 obj > /Alt (Legal Notice) >> endobj 298 0 obj > /Alt (Privacy Policy) >> endobj 300 0 obj > /Alt (Legal Notice) >> endobj 326 0 obj > /Alt (Privacy Policy) >> endobj 328 0 obj > /Alt (Legal Notice) >> endobj 349 0 obj > /Alt (Privacy Policy) >> endobj 351 0 obj > /Alt (Legal Notice) >> endobj 370 0 obj > /Alt (Privacy Policy) >> endobj 372 0 obj > /Alt (Legal Notice) >> endobj 394 0 obj > /Alt (Privacy Policy) >> endobj 396 0 obj > /Alt (Legal Notice) >> endobj 429 0 obj > /Alt (Privacy Policy) >> endobj 431 0 obj > /Alt (Legal Notice) >> endobj 473 0 obj > /Alt (Privacy Policy) >> endobj 475 0 obj > /Alt (Legal Notice) >> endobj 521 0 obj > /Alt (Privacy Policy) >> endobj 523 0 obj > /Alt (Legal Notice) >> endobj 562 0 obj > /Alt (Privacy Policy) >> endobj 564 0 obj > /Alt (Legal Notice) >> endobj 9 0 obj > endobj 75 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (jumpToContent) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Jump to Content) >> endobj 17 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageBody) /K > >> endobj 56 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pagetitle) /K > >> endobj 60 0 obj > /S /Div /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 38 0 obj > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K [ 56 0 R 60 0 R ] >> endobj 39 0 obj > /S /H2 /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 57 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (The Oxford Handbook of Indian Foreign Policy) >> endobj 40 0 obj > /S /P /Type /StructElem /K 57 0 R >> endobj 41 0 obj > /S /H2 /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 45 0 obj > /S /Lbl /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 46 0 obj > /S /LBody /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 44 0 obj > /S /L /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ 45 0 R > 46 0 R ] >> endobj 48 0 obj > /S /Lbl /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 49 0 obj > /S /LBody /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 47 0 obj > /S /L /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ 48 0 R > 49 0 R ] >> endobj 51 0 obj > /S /Lbl /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 52 0 obj > /S /LBody /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 50 0 obj > /S /L /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ 51 0 R > 52 0 R ] >> endobj 54 0 obj > /S /Lbl /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 55 0 obj > /S /LBody /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 53 0 obj > /S /L /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ 54 0 R > 55 0 R ] >> endobj 43 0 obj > /S /P /Type /StructElem /K [ 44 0 R 47 0 R 50 0 R 53 0 R ] >> endobj 42 0 obj > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K 43 0 R >> endobj 37 0 obj > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (bookContent) /K [ 38 0 R 39 0 R 40 0 R 41 0 R 42 0 R ] >> endobj 18 0 obj > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (bookDetail) /K 37 0 R >> endobj 19 0 obj > /S /P /Type /StructElem /ID (topControls) >> endobj 29 0 obj > /S /H2 /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 31 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 30 0 obj > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K 31 0 R >> endobj 64 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (India) >> endobj 66 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (national security policy) >> endobj 68 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (threats) >> endobj 70 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (military industrial base) >> endobj 72 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (Sino-Indian war) >> endobj 32 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > 64 0 R 22 66 0 R 24 68 0 R 26 70 0 R 28 72 0 R ] >> endobj 28 0 obj > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (abstractAndKeywords) /K [ 29 0 R 30 0 R 32 0 R ] >> endobj 35 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-893) /K > >> endobj 34 0 obj > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K 35 0 R >> endobj 74 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 36 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 4 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-894) /K [ 74 0 R > ] >> endobj 96 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-283) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (McMahon 1996) >> endobj 85 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-895) /K [ > 96 0 R 2 ] >> endobj 100 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-262) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Donaldson 1974) >> endobj 86 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-896) /K [ > 100 0 R 5 ] >> endobj 104 0 obj > /S /Div /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_146) /K > >> endobj 105 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-261) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Dasgupta 2002) >> endobj 87 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-897) /K [ 104 0 R > 105 0 R 9 ] >> endobj 108 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 88 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-898) /K [ > 108 0 R 12 ] >> endobj 109 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-288) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Nehru 2011) >> endobj 89 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-899) /K [ > 109 0 R 15 ] >> endobj 33 0 obj > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-60) /K [ 34 0 R 36 0 R 85 0 R 86 0 R 87 0 R 88 0 R 89 0 R ] >> endobj 92 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-900) /K > >> endobj 91 0 obj > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K 92 0 R >> endobj 94 0 obj > /S /H2 /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-85) /K > >> endobj 95 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 80 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-902) /K [ > > ] >> endobj 122 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-265) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2001) >> endobj 125 0 obj > /S /Div /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_147) /K > >> endobj 126 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-266) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2008) >> endobj 129 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-271) /K [ > > ] /Alt (George and Smoke 1974) >> endobj 118 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-903) /K [ > 122 0 R 3 125 0 R 5 126 0 R 7 129 0 R 9 ] >> endobj 132 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-256) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013d) >> endobj 119 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-904) /K [ > 132 0 R 12 ] >> endobj 137 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 135 0 obj > /S /Link /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-76) /K [ > 137 0 R ] /Alt (1) >> endobj 139 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-289) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Palit 1992) >> endobj 142 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-270) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Garver 2001) >> endobj 145 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-267) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 2010) >> endobj 120 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-905) /K [ > 135 0 R 15 139 0 R 17 142 0 R 19 145 0 R 21 ] >> endobj 121 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 113 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-906) /K [ > > ] >> endobj 93 0 obj > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-14) /K [ 94 0 R 95 0 R 118 0 R 119 0 R 120 0 R 121 0 R ] >> endobj 155 0 obj > /S /H2 /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-86) /K > >> endobj 160 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-286) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Menon 1955) >> endobj 165 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 163 0 obj > /S /Link /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-77) /K [ > 165 0 R ] /Alt (2) >> endobj 167 0 obj > /S /Div /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_148) /K > >> endobj 168 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-299) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Telford 1992) >> endobj 171 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-264) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly 1997) >> endobj 156 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-908) /K [ > 160 0 R 4 163 0 R 6 167 0 R 8 168 0 R 10 171 0 R 12 ] >> endobj 174 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-268) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ganguly and Fidler 2013) >> endobj 157 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-909) /K [ > 174 0 R 15 ] >> endobj 177 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-282) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Lalwani 2011) >> endobj 158 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-910) /K [ > 177 0 R 18 ] >> endobj 195 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-251) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ahuja 2013) >> endobj 159 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 149 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-911) /K [ > > 195 0 R > ] >> endobj 186 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-912) /K > >> endobj 198 0 obj > /S /Div /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_149) /K > >> endobj 187 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-913) /K [ > 198 0 R 6 ] >> endobj 154 0 obj > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-15) /K [ 155 0 R 156 0 R 157 0 R 158 0 R 159 0 R 186 0 R 187 0 R ] >> endobj 90 0 obj > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-61) /K [ 91 0 R 93 0 R 154 0 R ] >> endobj 190 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-914) /K > >> endobj 189 0 obj > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K 190 0 R >> endobj 191 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-915) /K > >> endobj 199 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-273) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (International Institute of Strategic Studies, 2013) >> endobj 192 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-916) /K [ > 199 0 R 11 ] >> endobj 203 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-257) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Behera 2013) >> endobj 207 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-280) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kumar 2012) >> endobj 193 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-917) /K [ > 203 0 R 14 207 0 R 16 ] >> endobj 222 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-285) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Menon 2013) >> endobj 225 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-255) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013c) >> endobj 228 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-263) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Francis and Menon 2013) >> endobj 194 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 181 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-918) /K [ > > 222 0 R > 225 0 R > 228 0 R > ] >> endobj 231 0 obj > /S /Div /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_150) /K > >> endobj 232 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-274) /K [ > > ] /Alt (M. Joshi 2013) >> endobj 216 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-919) /K [ > 231 0 R 9 232 0 R 11 ] >> endobj 188 0 obj > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-62) /K [ 189 0 R 191 0 R 192 0 R 193 0 R 194 0 R 216 0 R ] >> endobj 219 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-920) /K > >> endobj 218 0 obj > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K 219 0 R >> endobj 235 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-296) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Snyder 1961) >> endobj 220 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-921) /K [ > 235 0 R 15 ] >> endobj 238 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-277) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kashyap 2007) >> endobj 241 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-254) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013b) >> endobj 221 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 211 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-922) /K [ > 238 0 R 18 241 0 R 20 ] >> endobj 256 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-278) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Keck 2013) >> endobj 259 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-253) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Bedi 2013a) >> endobj 250 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-923) /K [ > 256 0 R 2 259 0 R 4 ] >> endobj 262 0 obj > /S /Div /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_151) /K > >> endobj 263 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-295) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Sender 2013) >> endobj 251 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-924) /K [ > 262 0 R 7 263 0 R 9 ] >> endobj 252 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-925) /K > >> endobj 266 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-287) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Mohan 2013) >> endobj 253 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-926) /K [ > 266 0 R 13 ] >> endobj 269 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-258) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Brewster 2010) >> endobj 254 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-927) /K [ > 269 0 R 16 ] >> endobj 282 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-294) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Scott 2013) >> endobj 255 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 245 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-928) /K [ > > 282 0 R > ] >> endobj 285 0 obj > /S /Div /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_152) /K > >> endobj 278 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-929) /K [ > 285 0 R 5 ] >> endobj 286 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 279 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-930) /K [ > 286 0 R 8 ] >> endobj 287 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-298) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Swami 2006) >> endobj 280 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-931) /K [ > 287 0 R 11 ] >> endobj 290 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-297) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Swami 2004) >> endobj 293 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-291) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Polgreen and Bajaj 2009) >> endobj 310 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-281) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Ladwig 2007�2008) >> endobj 313 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-292) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Pubby 2010) >> endobj 281 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 273 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-932) /K [ > 290 0 R 14 293 0 R 16 > 310 0 R > 313 0 R > ] >> endobj 316 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-275) /K [ > > ] /Alt (S. Joshi 2013) >> endobj 319 0 obj > /S /Div /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_153) /K > >> endobj 302 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-933) /K [ > 316 0 R 7 319 0 R 9 ] >> endobj 320 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-302) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Topychkanov 2012) >> endobj 303 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-934) /K [ > 320 0 R 12 ] >> endobj 304 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-935) /K > >> endobj 217 0 obj > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-63) /K [ 218 0 R 220 0 R 221 0 R 250 0 R 251 0 R 252 0 R 253 0 R 254 0 R 255 0 R 278 0 R 279 0 R 280 0 R 281 0 R 302 0 R 303 0 R 304 0 R ] >> endobj 307 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-936) /K > >> endobj 306 0 obj > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K 307 0 R >> endobj 308 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-937) /K > >> endobj 338 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-276) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kampani 2013) >> endobj 341 0 obj > /S /Div /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_154) /K > >> endobj 342 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-276) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kampani 2013) >> endobj 309 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 297 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-938) /K [ > > 338 0 R > 341 0 R > 342 0 R > ] >> endobj 305 0 obj > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-64) /K [ 306 0 R 308 0 R 309 0 R ] >> endobj 332 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-939) /K > >> endobj 331 0 obj > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K 332 0 R >> endobj 334 0 obj > /S /H2 /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-91) /K > >> endobj 335 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-941) /K > >> endobj 336 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-942) /K > >> endobj 344 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-284) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Mazzetti and Schmitt 2008) >> endobj 337 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 325 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-943) /K [ > 344 0 R 13 ] >> endobj 359 0 obj > /S /Div /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_155) /K > >> endobj 353 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-944) /K [ > 359 0 R 2 ] >> endobj 354 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-945) /K > >> endobj 360 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-269) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Ganguly and Mistry 2006) >> endobj 364 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-259) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Burns 2007) >> endobj 355 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-946) /K [ > 360 0 R 6 364 0 R 8 ] >> endobj 356 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-947) /K > >> endobj 357 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-948) /K > >> endobj 358 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 348 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-949) /K [ > > ] >> endobj 381 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-260) /K [ > > > ] /Alt (Clark 2012) >> endobj 385 0 obj > /S /Div /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_156) /K > >> endobj 386 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-300) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Tellis 2011) >> endobj 374 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-950) /K [ > 381 0 R 3 385 0 R 5 386 0 R 7 ] >> endobj 389 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-272) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Hardy and Bedi 2013) >> endobj 375 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-951) /K [ > 389 0 R 10 ] >> endobj 333 0 obj > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-16) /K [ 334 0 R 335 0 R 336 0 R 337 0 R 353 0 R 354 0 R 355 0 R 356 0 R 357 0 R 358 0 R 374 0 R 375 0 R ] >> endobj 377 0 obj > /S /H2 /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-titleGroup-92) /K > >> endobj 378 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-953) /K > >> endobj 379 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-954) /K > >> endobj 416 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 417 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 418 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (ref_oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-290) /K [ > > ] /Alt (Pandit 2013) >> endobj 421 0 obj > /S /Div /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_157) /K > >> endobj 380 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 369 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-955) /K [ > > 416 0 R > 417 0 R > 418 0 R > 421 0 R > ] >> endobj 376 0 obj > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div2-17) /K [ 377 0 R 378 0 R 379 0 R 380 0 R ] >> endobj 330 0 obj > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-65) /K [ 331 0 R 333 0 R 376 0 R ] >> endobj 400 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-956) /K > >> endobj 399 0 obj > /S /H1 /Type /StructElem /K 400 0 R >> endobj 401 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-957) /K > >> endobj 402 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-958) /K > >> endobj 403 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-959) /K > >> endobj 398 0 obj > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-div1-66) /K [ 399 0 R 401 0 R 402 0 R 403 0 R ] >> endobj 410 0 obj > /S /H2 /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 409 0 obj > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (\n\nReferences) /K 410 0 R >> endobj 422 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 412 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-251) /K [ > 422 0 R 16 ] >> endobj 424 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 413 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-252) /K [ > 424 0 R 19 ] >> endobj 425 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 414 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-253) /K [ > 425 0 R 22 ] >> endobj 426 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 415 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 393 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-254) /K [ > 426 0 R 25 ] >> endobj 450 0 obj > /S /Div /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (pageid_158) /K > >> endobj 451 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 433 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-255) /K [ 450 0 R > 451 0 R 3 ] >> endobj 452 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 434 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-256) /K [ > 452 0 R 6 ] >> endobj 453 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 435 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-257) /K [ > 453 0 R 9 ] >> endobj 454 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 436 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-258) /K [ > 454 0 R 12 ] >> endobj 455 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 437 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-259) /K [ > 455 0 R 15 ] >> endobj 456 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 438 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-260) /K [ > 456 0 R 18 ] >> endobj 457 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 439 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-261) /K [ > 457 0 R 21 ] >> endobj 458 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 440 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-262) /K [ > 458 0 R 24 ] >> endobj 459 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 441 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-263) /K [ > 459 0 R 27 ] >> endobj 460 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 442 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-264) /K [ > 460 0 R 30 ] >> endobj 461 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 443 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-265) /K [ > 461 0 R 33 ] >> endobj 462 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 444 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-266) /K [ > 462 0 R 36 ] >> endobj 463 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 464 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> endobj 445 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-267) /K [ > 463 0 R 39 464 0 R 41 ] >> endobj 467 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 446 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-268) /K [ > 467 0 R 44 ] >> endobj 468 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 428 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 447 0 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/StructElem /K > >> endobj 488 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-283) /K [ > 512 0 R 42 ] >> endobj 513 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 489 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-284) /K [ > 513 0 R 45 ] >> endobj 514 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 515 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> endobj 490 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-285) /K [ > 514 0 R 48 515 0 R 50 ] >> endobj 518 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 491 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 472 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-286) /K [ > 518 0 R 53 ] >> endobj 540 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 525 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-287) /K [ > 540 0 R 2 ] >> endobj 541 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 526 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-288) /K [ > 541 0 R 5 ] >> endobj 542 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 527 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-289) /K [ > 542 0 R 8 ] >> endobj 543 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 528 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-290) /K [ > 543 0 R 11 ] >> endobj 544 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 529 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-291) /K [ > 544 0 R 14 ] >> endobj 545 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 530 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-292) /K [ > 545 0 R 17 ] >> endobj 546 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 547 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > > ] /Alt ( >> endobj 531 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-293) /K [ > 546 0 R 20 547 0 R 22 ] >> endobj 550 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 532 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-294) /K [ > 550 0 R 25 ] >> endobj 551 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 533 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-295) /K [ > 551 0 R 28 ] >> endobj 552 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 534 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-296) /K [ > 552 0 R 31 ] >> endobj 553 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 535 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-297) /K [ > 553 0 R 34 ] >> endobj 554 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 536 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-298) /K [ > 554 0 R 37 ] >> endobj 555 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 537 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-299) /K [ > 555 0 R 40 ] >> endobj 556 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 538 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-300) /K [ > 556 0 R 43 ] >> endobj 557 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 558 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt ( >> endobj 539 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 520 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-301) /K [ > 557 0 R 46 558 0 R 48 ] >> endobj 587 0 obj > /S /Span /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 566 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-bibItem-302) /K [ > 587 0 R 3 ] >> endobj 411 0 obj > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K [ 412 0 R 413 0 R 414 0 R 415 0 R 433 0 R 434 0 R 435 0 R 436 0 R 437 0 R 438 0 R 439 0 R 440 0 R 441 0 R 442 0 R 443 0 R 444 0 R 445 0 R 446 0 R 447 0 R 448 0 R 449 0 R 477 0 R 478 0 R 479 0 R 480 0 R 481 0 R 482 0 R 483 0 R 484 0 R 485 0 R 486 0 R 487 0 R 488 0 R 489 0 R 490 0 R 491 0 R 525 0 R 526 0 R 527 0 R 528 0 R 529 0 R 530 0 R 531 0 R 532 0 R 533 0 R 534 0 R 535 0 R 536 0 R 537 0 R 538 0 R 539 0 R 566 0 R ] >> endobj 407 0 obj > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K [ 409 0 R 411 0 R ] >> endobj 405 0 obj > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K 407 0 R >> endobj 404 0 obj > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-section-43) /K 405 0 R >> endobj 568 0 obj > /S /H2 /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K > >> endobj 588 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (1.) >> endobj 591 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (Kennedy \(1989\)) >> endobj 570 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-962) /K [ > 588 0 R 7 591 0 R 9 ] >> endobj 569 0 obj > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-76) /K 570 0 R >> endobj 593 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (2.) >> endobj 596 0 obj > /S /Link /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /K [ > > ] /Alt (Thompson \(2013\)) >> endobj 572 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-p-964) /K [ > 593 0 R 12 596 0 R 14 ] >> endobj 571 0 obj > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (oxfordhb-9780198743538-e-11-note-77) /K 572 0 R >> endobj 567 0 obj > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (notes) /K [ 568 0 R 569 0 R 571 0 R ] >> endobj 27 0 obj > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /ID (contentRoot) /K [ 28 0 R 33 0 R 90 0 R 188 0 R 217 0 R 305 0 R 330 0 R 398 0 R 404 0 R 567 0 R ] >> endobj 26 0 obj > /S /Div /Type /StructElem /K 27 0 R >> endobj 575 0 obj > /S /P /Pg 561 0 R /Type 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