What Is a Superlative Adjective? Meaning and Examples

Definition of superlative adjectives with examples from the article.

Something that is superlative is the highest possible quality it can be. It can be the best, the worst, the tallest, or the most important — if it can’t be more, it’s superlative.

But how do you turn a regular adjective into a superlative, and how is it different from a comparative adjective?

In this article

What Is a Superlative Adjective?

Superlative adjectives put adjectives in the highest degree they can be. They typically end in -est or begin with most or least

Like all adjectives, superlative adjectives modify or describe one quality of a noun or pronoun.

Superlative adjectives can be positive (best, most talented, prettiest), or they can be negative (worst, least talented, ugliest).

As long as they can’t get any more (or less), they’re superlative adjectives.

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Examples of Superlative Adjectives

How To Form a Superlative Adjective

Typically, you form superlative adjectives by adding -est to the end, or you add the adverb most in front of them.

There aren’t specific rules for when to use each, but generally, the different types of adjectives below follow different spelling patterns when in the superlative form.

Type of Adjective

Superlative Form


One-syllable adjectives
(strong, weak, cold)

Add -est to the word

He was the strongest man alive.

That’s the weakest argument.

December is the coldest month.

One-syllable CVC adjectives
(big, sad, thin)

Double the last consonant and add -est

Ike was the biggest dog in town.

I’m saddest when it rains.

We ordered the thinnest pasta.

One- and two-syllable words ending in silent E
(rare, fine, little)

Add -st to the word, since the E is already in place

What is the rarest gem?

I only wear the finest clothes.

Mike ordered the littlest pizza.

Two-syllable words ending in Y
(funny, silly, pretty)

Change the Y to an I and add -est

Bozo is the funniest clown.

Who can make the silliest sound?

Mrs. Jones has the prettiest flowers.

Two-syllable adjectives that don’t end in Y
(careful, boring, patient)

Add most before the word

The most careful drivers look both ways before they go.

That’s the most boring class I’ve ever attended.

Sandy is the most patient person we know.

Any adjectives with three or more syllables
(restrictive, annoying, talented)

Add most before the word

Our state has the most restrictive smoking laws.

Your brother is the most annoying person ever.

We watched the most talented band perform last night.