Biography Book Report: Pop Bottle

My students absolutely LOVED creating these puppets! They all were so creative. These directions were very easy for the students to follow.

Rated 5 out of 5

Fun and engaging project that was easily customizable to any biography you want students to use. We appreciated the example photos, as well!

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Are you looking for a fun filled biography book report? This pop bottle biography book report is a fun and creative way to showcase knowledge learned about famous people in our world. This report is broken into two different parts: the reading/research and the pop bottle craftivity. The craftivity requires students to create their famous person out of a 2-Liter pop bottle. You will be amazed with the level of creativity students will bring to this project!

Included in this download:

-Biography Report Information Recording Sheet
-Pop Bottle Directions
-Grading Rubric
-4 Student Examples to Share with Your Class

This project has been a favorite over the years and parents really enjoy seeing all of the students’ hard work. This can be done by having a showcase of some sort where the parents are invited in to see the projects. They can also be displayed around school (i.e., library, office, etc.)