
It is done to evaluate and treat pulmonary problems when noninvasive procedures are nondiagnostic or unlikely to be definitive.

Indications for Thoracotomy

The principal indications for thoracotomy are

Both lobectomy and pneumonectomy are done most commonly to treat lung cancer .

Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery has largely replaced thoracotomy for open pleural and lung biopsies.

Contraindications to Thoracotomy

Contraindications to thoracotomy are those general to surgery and include

Procedure for Thoracotomy

Three basic approaches are used:

Complications of Thoracotomy

Complications of thoracotomy are greater than those for any other pulmonary procedures because of the risks of general anesthesia, surgical trauma, and a longer hospital stay with more postoperative discomfort. The greatest hazards are